Social Media - The Not-So-Secret Weapon to Building Your Restaurant Brand (and Attracting More Diners)

Customers today live online, researching restaurants before ever stepping through the door. Social media is your "secret" weapon to building a strong brand, attracting new customers, and showcasing your unique personality. It's more than just food photos; it's your voice, your connection, and your key to success.

Develop a Winning Strategy

  • Plan ahead: Have a pre-planned social calendar and craft engaging content up to 6 weeks in advance.
  • Hook 'em fast: Attention spans are short. Grab viewers with a strong image or in the first 6 seconds of your video content via Instagram reels or TikTok.
  • Post smart: While specific times can vary, weekdays (especially Thursdays) often see higher engagement – perfect for promoting new menu items!
  • Be responsive: We monitor social pages and respond to comments ASAP to foster dialogue with current and future customers. Ignoring customer inquiries will destroy your relationship before it has had a chance to blossom!

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Embrace Multiple Platforms:

Have you ever heard of "The Rule of Seven"? It's a marketing principle that states that potential customers must see your brand/message at least 7 times before they take action. Having a social media presence on various platforms helps you to achieve this.

Leverage User-Generated Content (UGC): 

  • Encourage happy customers to share photos and videos. This authentic content builds trust and showcases your restaurant experience.
  • Share the Love: Feature user-generated content (influencer or customer-created) to foster a sense of community and showcase real experiences.
  • Operational Insights: UGC can highlight areas for improvement within your restaurant – a valuable source of customer feedback.

Tailor Your Voice: Understand the audience on each platform (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok) and adapt your tone accordingly.

Mobile-First Content is King in 2024: Ditch expensive equipment, modern smartphones are more than up to the task - at ZPos, most of our clients create social media content entirely on smartphones. Social media algorithms might even favour content that appears native to the platform.

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This sort of content creation is "High-Quality, Low Barrier" - smartphones allow you to capture stunning visuals and do so quickly. No excuses!

Consider Influencers

  • Micro-Influencers, Macro-Impact: local, diverse micro-influencers will be much more cost-effective and accessible than big-name celebrities.
  • Quality Over Quantity: A smaller, engaged following can be more effective than millions of passive viewers.
  • Content Repurposing: Partner with micro-influencers to create high-quality content you can reuse and repurpose across your platforms. 

ZPos: Your Social Media Partner:
We understand the ever-changing social media landscape.
Partner with ZPos to develop a winning social media strategy that attracts diners and grows your restaurant brand.

Contact ZPos today for a free social media consultation and see how we can help you take your restaurant to the next level! We have heavily subsidised packages available exclusively for ZPos platform clients from just £120+VAT per month. Call 01793 251152 (ext 3) or email to learn more.